Personal Development

What a year it’s been! I wind down this milestone year with a lot of gratitude and look forward to the future with hope. Hope. The future is as bright as the promises of God. I used to have a T-shirt....

One minute, two minutes, three minutes…. five hundred and twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. By the end of the year, that is how many minutes we would have spent – living, working, sleeping, and doing whatever else we have been up....

In March 2023, I turned forty. I had been looking forward to it since I turned thirty -nine! Naturally. This is despite me promising myself that I would be staying thirty-five forever. Thirty-five was supposed to be my default age. Someone....

When I gained admission into the university, I was ecstatic! For two reasons – firstly, getting in was very competitive, and secondly, against my best judgment, I put all my eggs into one basket and applied to just one university! That....

Go to school, get good grades, get a good job! This was the pathway to a successful career according to what I was told. “By whom”, you would ask. I don’t remember. It was ingrained in my mind. I knew once....

Picture your most elaborate goal. Focus on it for a while. Hold it…and now release it. Next, begin to think about how you will achieve it. Money? Possibly. Opportunity? The right exposure? The right platform? A groundbreaking idea? I’m sure you....

What do Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Margaret Thatcher, Martin Luther King Jnr, Winston Churchill, and Barack Obama have in common? They were leaders first of all, but they are each remembered for their oratory. Each of these individuals at some point....

No, “you are unique” is not a cliché. There is scientific evidence to prove that each of us is made genetically, unique. But also, our life experiences, personalities, exposure, and environment also ensure that we are unique. That we are unique....

“I think that the older you get, the more you become your true, essential self. You find the things that make you happy. You whittle away the parts of yourself that mean less to you.” — Tom Ford   On a....

Of course, I have always known that there are 24 hours in a day, but it was only when I had my first child that the reality hit me. Time ceased to exist as I knew it. The day didn’t start....